Today we celebrated Levity's eighth birthday with a Kid's Trade Show; her idea. Three and a half weeks ago, when I posted the event on facebook, I was startled to receive R.S.V.P.'s within minutes. Sure enough, we had thirty three kids with their wild assortment of hand made arts, crafts and creations. From tinfoil "tornados" to hand knit caps, the kids started by voting on their top favorite items. First place went to the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. Next: a Three way tie for second place: a drawing of a turtle, labeled "turtle," a lego barge, and finally, some puffball creatures.
Next time we do this, and there must be a next time, I will award prizes for Kid's Choice and Adults Choice. I was amazed by ten year old Nici's photography. She even developed her own logo and company name, which she stamped on the backs of each of her photo and painting greeting cards. Impressive.
I've never hosted such an instantly popular, well attended party for elementary age kids. And no one cried! Everyone left with something they liked or traded for. After the judging, the kids were released to trade willy-nilly- It was a free for all, but for some reason, they find the wheeling and dealing empowering. (smile)
Finally, one of the Aiden's announced that he'd be washing the dishes, and organized a team of kids to break it down into an assembly line.
Even the gifts Levity received were exceptional: books, sketch book, her own kitchen implement set, oil pastels...Thank you so much to everyone who participated.
Dress designed and constructed by Levity. |
Kid's #1 Pick, by DeBow girls |
Kid's Choice Award, by Ashley |
Kid's Choice Award, by Kate Jeans |
Kid's Choice Award, by Aiden Morris |
prize! |
Next time we do this, and there must be a next time, I will award prizes for Kid's Choice and Adults Choice. I was amazed by ten year old Nici's photography. She even developed her own logo and company name, which she stamped on the backs of each of her photo and painting greeting cards. Impressive.
Hand knit scarf and sewn bag by the Morris girls. |
Some of Nici's photography |
Pencil toppers |
Sand art. |
Finally, one of the Aiden's announced that he'd be washing the dishes, and organized a team of kids to break it down into an assembly line.
Even the gifts Levity received were exceptional: books, sketch book, her own kitchen implement set, oil pastels...Thank you so much to everyone who participated.
Flowers provided by Erica Jeans! |